History repeats itself…

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History tends to repeat itself, capsule and that doesn’t exclude graphic design.

Retro and vintage designs are staging a comeback and the thing which is worth noticing is, viagra they have not lost their luster. Instead, they are more beautiful and stylish now, than ever before. Back in the day these graphics were nothing other than your bog standard design but over time, these old-fashioned styles are now very special items.

One of the areas in graphics where retro has made a massive appearance is in logo and brand design. It’s crazy to think, back then – designers were able to make amazing logos without the aid of computer software like illustrator, photoshop and the wonderful command ‘undo’. This alone is admirable, and a good reason why designers of the bygone era have earned the respect of modern designers. Also, it is what makes modern-day designers, our contemporaries in the field, adopt retro concepts in their work. It is a form of tribute. Not to mention that the old style is effective in reflecting permanence, stability, and nostalgia in branding.


We adopted this ‘new age’ retro style for one of our latest clients ‘Dover to Valet’. The business owners are fun (the company name says it all), likely lads who no doubt could sell ice cubes to eskimos. It’s a vintage business model, the service they provide is hands on and its a profession that dates waaaaay back. Needless to say the retro style suits them down to a tee. We hope you agree!

Dover to Valet logo workings

Dover to valet logo

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