Why do we look, sound and act the way we do?

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We’d like to tell you why we’ve rebranded. It’s a story that will likely chime with many businesses – we felt our identity no longer reflected who we were. It was too baggy, cialis sale the colours were wrong, it felt like an identity our little sister might wear.

So we immersed ourselves in ourselves, and drilled down into how we’d like to be seen and heard. We hung out at a car fair and drove a Zephyr, and went for a surf and lost ourselves in the sound of the sea. We took a long hard look at our work, observed each other in meetings, talked about our clients and target market, a lot.

The conclusions we came to were that we’re a confident agency, simple and bold, with an assured know how. We’re proud of our work, we’re sought after by our clients and we build relationships that last.

Our inspiration comes from the landscape and sea, sportsmen and women striving to be at the top of their game, design that’s timeless and admired world over.

And now we’re confident our brand says ‘Zephyr’. It feels like us – no messing, straight up, can do. It has an integrity, and you know what, it was delivered on time and on budget. Yes, it’s Zephyr to the core!






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