What would you do if you were stranded on an island?

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What better way to celebrate your 30th birthday than a long weekend on the Scilly Isles with friends, sunshine, white sandy beaches and Prosecco flowing?

Then… the night before your return ferry the wind picks up to 40 mph with seas wild enough to make even your strongest sea legs crumble. A long weekend soon turns into a loooooong weekend with our ferry delayed for three days. We obviously had serious concerns about work, and the trifle that was left in the fridge, possibly growing legs. However, after a swift half in the pub these concerns are washed away.

We sampled all (two) of the local ales and walked around the whole of the beautiful island of St Mary’s. Documentation was essential, and lots of silly photos taken to pass the time. We then realised there was something thoroughly entertaining, time consuming and creative we could do with our iPhone 5s.

Have you ever used the panoramic feature? We thought our photos were amazing, especially when we noticed that Bailey, the office dog, had appeared three times in the same shot. You can just imagine the excitement! A good deal of our remaining trip was spent running around a camera to appear as many times as humanly possible in one photo.

How it works (you have to try this!)

One person is the dedicated photographer, with the ‘models’ posing in step one (see diagram). Once the photographer can no longer see you in frame one he shouts ‘Go, go, go’ – in a ‘professional camera man style’ voice – the models then run round to position 2 and this continues until you’ve made the full shot. Ta dah!


Stranded, Scilly Isles, panormaic

It’s amazing what you can do when you have an abundance of time, some crazy friends and beautiful views.

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