Red Bull Storm Chase

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What a weekend it has been, another massive low pressure just off the coast of Cornwall bringing huge seas with waves up to 40ft and winds in-excess of 100km per hr. However these treacherous weather conditions were embraced this time around – by the Red bull Storm Chasers. 

As Zephyr are keen windsurfers we have been following the Red Bull Storm chase around the world (online of course) and to find out that they were having the final on the beach 7 minutes away from the Zephyr HQ was amazing! Due to the nature of this comp (following the biggest storms around the world) they cannot give notice to people that are interested a month in advance it literally is a case of watching the twitter and Facebook feeds to see if they are getting on a plane the next day, even the competitors themselves do not know when they need to get suited until the very last minute.

We rocked up at the beach at 8am on Saturday morning – to find the car park busier then it is in the height of summer, with bodies dotted everywhere, lenses that David Bailey would’ve been proud of, helicopters and of course a few cans of Red Bull being handed around, the police had to close the roads in the end due to the grid lock the event had caused.

We couldn’t believe how many people had heard about the event, even non windsurfers were there to soak up the atmosphere and watch these 4 sailors battle it out for the title. This just goes to show the power of a strong social media campaign – Red Bull have a large following but they do publicise they’re events really, really well and introduce these crazy ideas that keep people buzzing.

If you want to make the roads grid locked around you (probably not a great idea) we can help get an impactful social media campaign together to make your clients and prospects buzz.

There is another storm forecasted for this week – don’t know about you but I’m pretty amped to get out there!

Well done to France’s Thomas Traversa for taking the crown, you definitely earnt it!

Red Bull Storm Chase, Zephyr
Awesome photos are courtesy of our lovely client and supplier Justin Dennington @Plusprint

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